Chapter - 1 Components of Environments
1. Name the major components of the environment. • Natural and Man made environment. 2. What is meant by Sima and Sial ? •The uppermost part of the lithosphere is composed of rocks rich in sillic and aluminium called slal. Below the Sial layer, the rocks are mainly rich insi and magnestum and are called sima. 3. Mention the distribution of water in the Northern and Southern hemispheres. •The distribution of water in the Northern hemisphere is 43% • •The distribution of water Southern hemisphere is 53 4. Give the literal meaning of four spheres of environment . Lithosphere • Atmosphere • Hydrosphere • Biosphere 5. What is the atmosphere composed of ? • Atmosphere is composed of mixture of gases which forms an envelope around the earth. 1. Differentiate between the physical and the biological environment. • • Man is the component of the biological environment who satisfies all the required n...