Chapter - 1 Components of Environments

1.Name the major components of the environment.

Natural and Man made environment.

2. What is meant by Sima and Sial ?

•The uppermost part of the lithosphere is composed of rocks rich in sillic and aluminium called slal. Below the Sial layer, the rocks are mainly rich insi and magnestum and are called sima.

3. Mention the distribution of water in the Northern and Southern hemispheres.
•The distribution of water in the Northern hemisphere is 43%•The distribution of water Southern hemisphere is 53
  • 4. Give the literal meaning of four spheres of environment.
  • Lithosphere

5. What is the atmosphere composed of ?

Atmosphere is composed of mixture of gases which forms an envelope around the earth. 

1. Differentiate between the physical and the biological environment.

Man is the component of the biological environment who satisfies all the required needs from both parts (groups) of the environment.

Earth is called the blue planet because of abundance of water on its surface. The water bodies that includes rivers, lakes, seas and oceans cover 71 per cent of the earth’s surface.
Biosphere is the narrow zone of contact between all the three spheres of environment where all kinds of life exist.

Biosphere is important for its because  it contains life including land, water and air without biosphere, the earth would be a lifeless planet such as Mars or Venus. In biosphere every organism play an important role.

Environment and scavengers are interdependent because scavengers eat dead and decaying matter which helps in cleaning the environment and in return they get food to eat. Hence, physical and biological components are interdependent .
b) People do pollution and the air get polluted. 
Physical – It includes all the non-living things such as land, water and air. 
Biological – It includes all the living things such as plants and animals.
2. Why is the earth called the ‘Blue Planet’ ?
3. Define biosphere. Why is it important for us ?
 4. Explain with the help of an example how physical and biological components of the environment are interdependent.
5. Explain two ways in which human beings are disturbing the natural environment.
a ) People cut the trees and do deforestation and they destroy the homes of wildlife animal and plants.


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